اطلب الخدمة
How to register at Princess Nourah University and Jazan University?
Conditions for admission and registration at Jazan University
The Deanship of Admission and Registration at Jazan University has announced the condition that must be met in the Saudis in order for them to be accepted and registered. Among the conditions for accepting the registration of Saudi students at Jazan University are the following:
- That the student who wants to accept and register at Jazan University is a Saudi national or from a Saudi mother.
- The applicant for admission and registration at Jazan University must have a high school diploma or its equivalent from inside or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The secondary school certificate for the applicant for admission and registration at Jazan University should not be more than five years old, except for some college that requires fewer years.
- A student who wishes to accept and register at Jazan University must have a healthy fit.
- The applicant for admission and registration to the Jazan University should not have previously been dismissed from the university for disciplinary or educational reasons, and must not have been dismissed from another university for disciplinary reasons.
- That the applicant student to accept and register at Jazan University pass any interview or test required by the university or college from him.
Conditions for admission and registration at the College of Medicine, Al-Jouf University
The Deanship of Admission and Registration at Al-Jouf University has established special conditions for students of the College of Medicine to be admitted and registered, and the conditions for admission and registration of students at the College of Medicine are:
- The applicant for admission and registration at Al-Jouf University must have a high school diploma in natural sciences.
- The student who desires to accept and register at Al-Jouf University must not be less than 90%.
- The student who wants to accept and register at Al-Jouf University must pass the aptitude and achievement tests.
- The compound percentage for students wishing to accept and register at Al-Jouf University is calculated as follows: 40% of high school, 40% of achievement, 20% of abilities.
- The student applying for admission and registration at Al-Jouf University must pass all the courses prescribed in the preparatory year.

Business school at Princess Nourah University
The College of Business and Management at Princess Nourah University offers several educational courses for female students.
In its continuous quest for development and its constant desire to train female students to qualify them at the best levels, the College of Business and Management represented by the Business Administration Club held several courses in the month of Rajab 1439 AH, the most important of which were:
- Course "Out of the Fund" by Professor Al-Bandari Al-Subaie, which took place on Sunday 8/7/1439 AH, in which she talked about the meaning of thinking outside the box and to leave all your experiences, ideas and principles aside to come up with a new solution that does not depend on anything in the box and leave your mind the opportunity to test every An idea, even if not guaranteed. The trainer also talked about the reasons for fear of leaving the box, and questions were asked by the attendees and discussed.
- Attending the session "How to start your own business" on Monday, 7/7/1439 AH, for Professor Maha Shirah at the Shyworks Center, during which the students took a tour around the center to see the environment of the place that serves women and is devoted to working and ambitious women. This course also made clear to the students that the risks are part of the life of the entrepreneur, and they have to adapt to solve them and not to ignore them, and let them affect their ambition and persistence, and that every entrepreneur must improve dealing with them and face them courageously. The trainer stated that when planning to build a special project, it is better for the project to be associated with something he loves and perfects his work. She talked about how to reach customers easily and the best ways to reach them and hear their opinions, and also talked about many of the obstacles that any person may face in the beginning of his project and how he should overcome it.
- The course "Identifying the Business" by Professor Ghada Barqash, which was held on Tuesday 10/7/1439 AH, in which she talked about making the commercial identity and color theory and explained that the commercial identity is not only the name, logo or colors of that mark, but is deeper than that as it includes all Feelings and thoughts associated with that service or product to create a special and special experience for the consumer. The trainer emphasized that a successful business identity must be of credibility and a unique meaning that is comprehensive, sustainable and clear, and that these successful brands add value to the consumer experience in all respects and they are signs that the consumer trusts because they always fulfill their promises to them.
Watch: Princess Nora University Video Documentary
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With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students