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Considerations in statistical analysis?
The first step after data collection is the data analysis stage (statistical analysis tests), where the data analysis stage (statistical analysis tests) is a step leading to the results, the researcher moves after data entry and data validation to the data analysis stage (statistical analysis tests) and interpretation and testing hypotheses to draw conclusions from them and estimate the possibility of generalization.
The data analysis stage (statistical analysis tests) until recently was limited to philosophical and logical analysis and simple comparison, but the trend in contemporary time is to rely on statistical analysis and statistical analysis tests where it helps the researcher to analyze the data of his study and describe more accurately, and help to calculate the relative accuracy of the measurements used.
Statistical analysis tests are one of the most important stages of scientific research, and affects the interpretations and results of the study. Therefore, the researcher must give the greatest care and attention to the statistical analysis tests, and be careful and attentive, otherwise the results and interpretations become questionable, and this reduces the value of his study.
The concept of statistical analysis
Statistical analysis is defined as: “The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to study each component of research data. This analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research experiment. Data is collected from different sources, reviewed, and then analyzed”.
Statistical analysis tests
It should be noted that (statistical analysis tests) is generally used more effectively for data of a quantitative nature. Statistical analysis tests take methods and forms ranging from finding mediation, dispersion, and central tendencies to studying the association between phenomena and hypothesis testing processes, and these are the topics of statistical analysis tests that researchers need to master to use. However, this may be indicated by the following:
1. Mediation measures:
Mediation measures are the most commonly used statistical analysis tests. They measure the centrality of certain attributes or characteristics. These data analysis methods/statistical analysis methods of statistical tests are based on averages that are used to represent the central value of distribution, including the following:
In the data analysis stage, it is important to calculate the Arithmetic mean, where it is calculated by dividing the sum of the vocabulary values by their number.
In the data analysis stage, it is important to calculate the mediator, since it is the midpoint of observations (numbers, values) after ascending or descending order, that is, the value preceded by a number of values equal to the number of subsequent values.
In the data analysis stage, it is important to calculate the Mode, since it is the values that are more frequent than any other value; that is, those that show more frequent.
In the data analysis stage, it is important to calculate the quartiles theory dividing the population into four quarters, the lowest spring is when the vocabulary in ascending order is the value preceded by a quarter of the values in the order followed by three quarters of the values, while the highest spring is the value preceded by three quarters of the values.
In the data analysis stage, it is important to calculate the geometric mean, where it equals the root of the observations multiplied by the observations.
- Measurements of dispersion:
Dispersion measures are of the important statistical test calculated in the data analysis stage, where it determines the degree to which data differ from each other or their averages.
The range is also an important statistical test that is calculated in the data analysis stage. It is the difference between the largest value and the smallest value in the data.
It is the most widely used statistical test in the data analysis stage, and it is an accurate dispersion measure in the measurement of the degree of dispersion in data, and is equal to the square root of the squared deviations of vocabulary values from its arithmetic mean.
2. Regression and correlation:
Regression analysis is the study of the relationship between two or more variables so that one can predict if the value of the other variable is known.

Data entry and data validation
Data entry and data validation is of the most important determinants of the quality of the statistical tests. Data entry and data validation is the step that starts before the data analysis starts. Data entry and data validation should receive great attention by the researchers prior to conducting data analysis.
A successful and accurate Data entry and data validation will help produce valuable results for the researcher. Which is why researchers should pay good attention to Data entry and data validation. Since researchers who fail to conduct good Data entry and data validation will result in having leading results.
Statistical analysis considerations
There are different statistical analysis considerations, to ensure that the statistical analysis is valid, it is important to consider the statistical analysis considerations.
A set of statistical analysis considerations must be met that pave the way for studying the causal relationships between variables, and give results that are useful to statistical analysts in understanding the connections that bring together these variables. Among the most prominent statistical analysis considerations are the following:
Unidirectional: This statistical analysis considerations means that all the causal relationships studied by analysing the path between the variables take one direction so that the process of analysing them is possible, as this kind of analysis cannot be applied between the pairs of changes that the presence of one of them contributes to the emergence of the other variable.
Chronology: This statistical analysis considerations means that there is a specific chronology of variables, so that there is no conflict in the presence of the variables due to overlapping timing and the absence of an appropriate time interval.
Watch: Statistical Considerations
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