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Previous studies (Definition & examples)
What are the previous studies in scientific research?
Previous studies, which are the second part of the theoretical framework for scientific research, are considered one of the most important parts of scientific research. The presence of previous studies is a prerequisite in every scientific research, and without it the scientific research will not be correct.
Previous studies are a group of research and studies that dealt with the topic that the researcher studied, and these studies provide a lot of information to the researcher on the subject of the study that helps him to fully understand the subject of his scientific research.
The researcher must make sure, when writing previous studies in scientific research, to choose the primary and original sources, and he must make sure that the information contained therein is correct. The researcher should read the scientific journals that contain a large group of original scientific research that the researcher can refer to and consider them as reliable previous studies used in writing scientific research.
The researcher should be able to choose studies that are appropriate for the scientific research he is doing, and he should also be able to display points that are appropriate for scientific research. The researcher should also be able to present previous studies in scientific research objectively, in a sequential and free manner.
In addition, the researcher must be careful to formulate the previous studies in a correct way and free from spelling and grammatical errors, and he should also choose previous studies that bring the reader closer to scientific research.
What are the reasons for writing previous studies in scientific research?
There are many reasons for writing previous studies. The researcher must be familiar with these reasons and know them. Among the most prominent of these reasons are:
- Previous studies provide information and a general idea about the subject of the study, and therefore, through which the researcher can avoid making mistakes that the researchers made. Previous studies save time and effort by providing clear information on the subject of the study.
- Previous studies are among the things that facilitate the process of choosing a theoretical framework for the researcher.
- Previous studies save time and effort on the researcher, by providing ready and proven information about the topic that the researcher is studying, and therefore the researcher will not waste much of his time.
- In addition to that, previous studies alert the researcher to the error sites that other researchers have signed and thus can avoid them and not make them, so that his research is free of errors.
- Previous studies provide an opportunity for the researcher to view the recommendations left by previous researchers, and thus be able to discuss them.
- Previous studies have a big role in providing a large number of sources and references related to the research carried out by the researcher.
- Through previous studies, the researcher will be able to make comparisons between his scientific research, and between them, and thus discover points of agreement and difference.
- The researcher can, through previous studies, see the curricula used by previous researchers, and thus be able to know the method that is appropriate for his scientific research, and in this way, time will not be wasted in choosing the appropriate method for his scientific research.

Previous studies about patient satisfaction
Patient satisfaction is an attitude. Though it does not ensure that the patient will remain loyal to the doctor or the hospital, it is still a strong motivating factor. Patient satisfaction is only an indirect or a proxy indicator of the quality of doctor or hospital performance. Thus, patient satisfaction is a very necessary point that the doctors do take in their consideration in the process of treatment. This article has many previous studies for the title “patient satisfaction”.
Title of previous study
Year of publication
Patient Satisfaction Pays. Quality service for practice success.
Brown SW, Nelson AM, Bronkesh SJ, Wood SD
Service Quality Improvement. The customer satisfaction strategy for health care.
Wendy L, Scott G
Improving quality and patient satisfaction in dermatology office practice.
Poulas GA, Brodell RT, Mostow EN.
Factors associated with patient satisfaction with care among dermatological outpatients.
Renzi C, Abeni D, Picardi A, Agostini E, Melchi CF, Pasquini P, et al
Patient satisfaction with clinical laboratory services and associated factors among adult patients attending outpatient departments at Debre Markos referral hospital, Northwest Ethiopia.
Asmamaw Alelign
Yihalem Abebe Belay
Factors Associated with Patient Satisfaction of Community Mental Health Services: A Multilevel Approach.
Niccolò Stamboglis
Rowena Jacobs
Patient Satisfaction With Venous Thromboembolism Treatment.
David Webb
Kibum Kim
Casey R Tak
Mark Munger
User-experience and patient satisfaction with quality of tuberculosis care in India: A mixed-methods literature review
Himani Bhatnagar
Satisfaction with health care among dermatological inpatients.
Cristina RenziP PudduStefano Tabolli
Cancer prevention tips
You will likely hear conflicting reports about cancer prevention. Sometimes advice can be given in contravention of another advice recommended in a study on cancer prevention.
In many cases, the well-known information about cancer prevention is still evolving. However, the chances of developing cancer are influenced by the lifestyle choices a person chooses from acceptable opinions.
Therefore, if you care about cancer prevention, you can benefit from the fact that simple lifestyle changes can make a positive difference. Consider the following tips on preventing cancer:
1. Avoid using tobacco
Using any type of tobacco puts you on a collision course with cancer. Smoking has been linked to various types of cancer - this includes lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervical, and kidney cancer. Chewing tobacco has been linked to cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. Even if you do not use tobacco, exposure to second-hand smoke may increase your risk of lung cancer.
Avoiding tobacco - or making a decision to stop using it - is an important part of preventing cancer. If you need help to quit smoking, ask your doctor about smoking cessation products and other strategies to quit smoking.
2. You should receive a vaccine
Cancer prevention includes protection from certain viral infections. Talk to your doctor about vaccination against:
Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can increase your risk of developing liver cancer. Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for adults who have a high risk as adults who engage in multiple sexual relations, people with sexually transmitted infections, who inject drugs, men who have sexual intercourse with other men, and public health and safety workers who may They are vulnerable to blood or contaminated body fluids.
Human papillomavirus (HPV). It is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cervical cancer and other cancers affecting the genitals, as well as squamous cell carcinomas in the head and neck. The HPV vaccine is recommended for girls and boys ages 11 and 12. The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved the use of the Gardasil 9 vaccine for males and females between 9 and 45 years old.
3. Get medical attention
Self-tests and regular checks to check for various types of cancer, such as skin, colon, neck and breast cancer, can increase your chances of discovering cancer early, at which time treatment success is most likely. Ask your doctor about the best cancer screening schedule for you.
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With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students