How to get standardized APA references? - المنارة للاستشارات

How to get standardized APA references?

How to get standardized APA references?
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How to get standardized APA references?

Before introducing the APA format, it is necessary to introduce the definition of scientific research. A good research is the research that contains all the basic elements and the necessary availability in scientific research.

Among these elements is the formatting of references, where good and correct documentation is considered from the scientific trust, and in the sense that there is a lot of information in this research.

The methods of formatting references differ according to certain criteria; therefore, the researcher must follow a specific method to document all references with it, and the arrangement of the references must be taken into consideration.

Another thing that the researcher takes into account is the presence of punctuation marks from a comma and a period and other different punctuation marks. Some references rely on the comma in the documentation and some depend on the point.

 What is the definition of APA format? 

The APA format, the American Psychological Association, is a method used by a researcher to document scientific research references. Scientific research is considered good if it meets all of the conditions needed for good academic writing.

APA format for scientific research is required for scientific research to fulfill its right to be pure scientific research, and it must meet previous studies, recommendations, proposals, and quotations.

What are the most important features of APA referencing?

Referencing is the process of preserving, arranging, and appreciating the efforts of the original authors, and indicating the source of the information according to APA format. Among the most important features of APA referencing is that APA referencing helps to increase the confidence of the results, increase knowledge, and enhance the scientific researcher's honesty.

 What is the importance of following APA guidelines? 

The good researcher writes a good sample paper based on the fulfillment of all the elements of scientific research writing from choosing a suitable title for the subject of the scientific thesis writing references in the pages assigned to them in the scientific study. Therefore, it can be said that there is an importance that in turn urges the scientific researcher to commit to documenting information and attributing it to its original author. This importance is represented in the following points:

   1. Avoid falling into the cause of moral theft or plagiarism.

There is no doubt that the competent authority examines sample paper through a program designed to examine the information that was taken verbally from its original sources without attributing it to its original authors. A good researcher is strongly committed to documenting all the information the researcher has used in writing the sample paper.

   2. Gain the trust of the reader.

The reader is interested in reading a sample paper that contains authentic information, especially information that has a strong impact on the same reader. This is only achieved through the inclusion of scientific study of data and information that has the originality of the source regardless of the type of source, whether it is a book, magazine, website or previous study.

   3. To write an integrated scientific research.

Perhaps writing scientific research references is one of the most important elements that a good scientific researcher must follow in order to write an integrated sample paper. This, in turn, encourages the supervising authority to evaluate the sample paper in a good way and thus the scientific researcher achieves the goal of writing the sample paper.

 How to document the sample paper references according to APA? 

Writing a sample paper depends on writing references for sample paper and documenting them in the correct way, whether from previous studies or books or scientific journals in order for the scientific researcher not to be involved in the issue of literary theft.

The scientific researcher must follow a specific method to document the sample paper references according to APA, which is the method used in the scientific institution, whether at the university, institute or college to which the researcher belongs.

 How to document a quotation in a good APA format example? 

The quotation is the researcher’s ​​transfer of text from somewhere literally. The way to document a quote according to APA format is as follows:

  1. If the researcher writes a text that is less than three lines, the researcher writes it in double quotation marks, and then he writes the reference number from which he was taken or quoted.
  2. In the case that the researcher quotes a text consisting of three letters, the scientific researcher writes the text with distance from both the left and right sides, as well as without placing the quotation between two double quotation marks, and the scientific researcher should write the reference page number from which the quotation was made.
  3. In the case that the scholar quotes a text from the Qur’anic verses or hadiths, he writes the text as it is set with movements and between the double quotation mark, then he writes the name of the surah or the name of the narrator.

When the researcher writes a quote indirectly, that is, it transcribes the text non-literally, i.e. in proportion to the researcher's point of view or his own ideas, the researcher documents as follows:

  1. The researcher writes the texts in a dependence of his scientific research, that is, he documents the quoted text in a non-literal way, by placing the quotation number after the text, such as the form [reference number]. As for if the researcher wrote a text which is about points, he writes the quotation number at the beginning of the text, before starting the numbering.
  2. As for documenting scientific research references related to books, the scientific researcher writes the author’s name by writing the family name first, then his personal name, then a comma. If there are two authors of the book, then he writes the two names, and it is worth noting that consideration must be given to writing the names in order in alphabetical order.
    And if there is more than one author of the book, then the author of the study writes the first name of the authors according to the order of the alphabet and then others and then a comma, then the scientific researcher writes the subject of the book, especially in italics or in regular letters but puts a line under it and then a comma, then opens Parentheses, then the name of the city or location of the printing press, then two points, the edition number (if any), then a comma, the folder number (if any), then a comma year of printing.
    If the year of printing is unknown, the researcher writes (anonymous), then closes the arc, then a comma. Page number, then point. And if this quotation is a repeated quotation and from one reference, the scientific researcher will write the author’s name in the footnote, then the subject of the book and the page number.
  3. As for documenting scientific research references from articles or journals, the researcher writes the author’s name and then a comma. The researcher writes the subject of the article in double quotation marks, then a comma. Then the name of the magazine, with a line under the letters, then a comma, then the date of issue of the magazine number and it is in parentheses as this (month, year), then a comma and then the page number, then a point.
  4. As for documenting paper and studies, the author of the study writes the name of the researcher, then a point, then the subject of the research, then a point, then the level of the research, then a comma, then the name of the university, then a comma, then the name of the city, then a comma, then the year of writing the research, then a point. In the case of electronic references, the scholar copies the link from which the quotation was taken, then writes the date of the site’s visit.

It is worth noting here that the scientific researcher must consider writing research paper references and arranging them according to the alphabet, and then numbering them, and the scientific researcher must take into account the numbering in the text of the research with the reference number after arranging it alphabetically.

 Watch: APA Referencing Guide - How To Reference 


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