A professional referencing style according APA - المنارة للاستشارات

A professional referencing style according APA

A professional referencing style according APA
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A professional referencing style according APA

 How to get APA format sample inside the research paper? 

1. If the reference is a book, the following researcher follows:

 Author's last name, publication year, page or pages. This is done in parentheses like this:

  • If the author is alone: (Turkish, 2002, p. 87).
  • If it has two authors: (Al-Qaddumi and Abdel-Haq, 2002, p. 220).
  • If it is three or more: The family name of the first author, to which a phrase and others are added: (Anis et al., P. 2782) (Adams, et al., 2002, p. 85).

2. If the reference is a research published in a scientific journal, the scientific researcher also takes into consideration the above.

3. If it is a website, the researcher follows the following documentation: Author name (if applicable), article title, year. Location. (Al-Yousifi. 2002. Economic and Environmental Feasibility of Using Renewable Energy)

 How to document the references at the end of research according to APA format template? 

Arab sources and references are listed first, then foreign sources and references are as follows:

  1. Documenting a book in Arabic or foreign language:

The following order shall be taken into account: the author's last name or surname, followed by his shares, the year of publication, Faraghan, the title of the book, and underlined. Edition, publisher, place of publication. Example: Al-Turki, Khaled. (2002). Earth Science, I, University Book House. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

  1. Documenting a research published in a scientific journal in Arabic or foreign, taking into account the following arrangement: The author's family name, followed by his name. Year of Publication. Research title in quotes. The name of the magazine: volume, number, if any. Pages. Example: Abu Saft, Muhammad. (2000).
  2. Documenting an unpublished thesis in the Arabic or foreign languages: the following arrangement should be observed: The family name of the researcher, followed by his name, year, title of the thesis, college, university, country of publication, and the title of the thesis is written in quotes like this. Example: (Hanini, Neha M. 2002). The effect of industrial disturbance on blood pressure, heart rate and hearing levels of factory workers in the city of Nablus. “Unpublished Master Thesis”.
  3. Internet documentation: The following arrangement takes into account: the author’s family name or surname, his name, and the year of publication. Article Title, website, and underlined font. Example: Mandarin, Basil. (2002. “Economic and Environmental Feasibility of Utilizing Renewable Energy”)

 APA format & MLA format 

For APA format, the researcher should consider that the book references are documented by calculating the number of authors. The method of documenting one author differs from the method of documenting several authors, where the author’s family name is written, the first letter of the author’s name, the name of the book, the publishing house, and the place of publication.

As for the MLA format, it is the modern documentation method in which the documentation method differs from one book to another book, the author's family name is written, the first letter of his name, the publishing house and its location, and the name of the book as well.

 How to get the APA style guide? 

It is imperative that the scientific researcher read many books that deal with how to properly document references of all kinds, because documenting each reference requires from the scientific researcher certain conditions that the scientific researcher must follow in order to ensure that the reference is written in the correct scientific manner.

Moreover, a good scientific researcher is paying close attention to the professor’s explanation of how to write the scientific reference correctly, whether in the body of scientific research or at the end of scientific research.

The professor specializing in advanced academic writing is a guide for students in explaining what are the correct ways to document scientific references while writing scientific research.

It can be said that following the correct evidence to document scientific references in accordance with the APA style has a major role in raising the degrees of the student or researcher in academic writing.

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