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?Are all Elsevier journals Scopus indexed
There are many databases for the evaluation of the journal and the researcher, and perhaps the most prominent of them are:
Scopus journals:
When talking about the Scopus database and what this huge database contains of great data that is concerned with everything related to scientific research. And what matters to the researcher. That his name be added in one of the thousands of refereed scientific journals under the supervision of Scopus. So the Scopus database is considered the largest in the world Because it includes many scientific fields. It also includes technology, medicine, science and human studies, and it is also interested in the arts and many other fields. In the progress and development of science, and what are the most important characteristics that Scopus possesses, made it the greatest database.
Another information of Scoups Journals
What is Scopus, and what is Scopus database: Scopus was established in 2004 by the Dutch publishing house, and Scopus contains 40,000 titles of research, articles, and literary books from about 11,000 publishers. In the human and natural sciences, physics and others. And this database covers three Types of references, the first reference is scientific and literary book series, various journals. As well as references to commercial journals, and the Scopus database is reviewed annually, periodically. To ensure that the research published in it conforms to the strict standards that have been established. And that most researchers. They complete their research from Scopus because it contains a huge amount of huge information that any publisher needs in order to make the content of his research, article or book that he wants to publish conforms to all standards and is not rejected.
Scopes is a database owned by Elsevier Publishing. Scopus is the largest existing database for journal evaluation, and it uses many tools, whether in evaluating the scientific journal or the researcher. Scopus is updated on a daily basis; a magazine may be ranked in Scopus and after a while we find it outside the rating. Scopes can also be used in many fields.
ISI database:
You should know that ISI stands for Institute for scientific information, which is a database that was initially affiliated with Thomson Reuters, but is now affiliated with Clarivate analytics. ISI specializes in cataloging scientific research, and is distinguished from Scopus in that it is stricter in its laws. A website with ISI's indexed databases is the Web of science, which helps a lot with the assessment. This site provides a Journal citation report and thus shows the impact factor. Publishing the research in a journal classified within the web of science helps introduce the researcher, and makes your research in constant competition with important scientific research in your field.
Impact Factor (IF):
The impact factor is a measure that reflects the importance of the scientific journal. As illustrates the effort of the author of the scientific research. The impact factor is calculated by counting the number of journal citations in a year and dividing it by the number of citation articles. And the result is always a certain numeric value. Each scientific journal has its own impact factor, and of course, the higher the impact factor. The greater the value of the scientific journal appears, and the greater the confidence of researchers and publishers in that journal.
One of the advantages of the impact factor is that it gives an initial impression indicating the position and importance of that journal. As for its disadvantages, the impact factor is not calculated based on a specific scientific research. But is calculated for the journal as a whole. Therefore, the scientific research published in journals with a high impact factor takes on a more important character than others. Although in fact it is less important than other articles published in scientific journals with a lower impact factor.
5YIF Tool:
Let me tell you that 5YIF is the acronym for Five years impact factor and is calculated by dividing the number of journal citations in the Journal citation report in a year by the number of papers in the previous 5 years.
Eigenfactor Tool
This tool is used to calculate the number of citations for research published in the journal in the past 5 years, and is a modified tool from 5YIF. The Eigenfactor is calculated by taking the number of journal citations divided by the number of papers published. And evaluating it based on how long the reader has been in the research. This tool is distinguished from the IF effect in that it ignores the number of citations for the journal itself. This feature helps in obtaining a more accurate and reliable number in evaluating the scientific journal. We also find that the Eigenfactor includes citations for the social sciences.
Article influence score (AIS) tool:
This method is based on the result of the Eigenfactor; The AIS is calculated by adding 0.01 to the value of the Eigenfactor and dividing by 2 to get the average citations over the past 5 years.

Elsevier is a publishing house dedicated to publishing medical and scientific books and periodicals. And is one of the publishing houses of the Reed-Elsevier Group. which is headquartered in Amsterdam and has branches in the United Kingdom, the United States and others. Elsevier takes its name from the Dutch publishing house. But is currently not related to the current company. The Elsevier family sold and published books in the Netherlands. The house was founded in 1580 by Lodewick Elsevier (1542-1617) who lived in Leiden. Among his current publications are Elsevier's journals The Lancet and Cell, and Gray’s Anatomy books. The house also owns the ScienceDirect website, the Trends series, and the Current Views series. Elsevier publishes approximately 250 thousand annually in 200 scientific journals, its archive contains seven million publications, and the number of downloads from its site is about 240 million downloads.
Among the most important goals that this institution aims to achieve. There is in particular making scientific journals more popular and influential at the global level through search engines on the Internet. In addition to providing high-quality technical services. Through which a large number of approved criteria for the inclusion of scientific journals are met. In the global database (Scopus), as the largest and most widely accredited scientific database. This circulation of the information contained in these scientific journals issued by universities will reflect positively on the increase in the number of citations from their published research. Which would raise the quality of scientific research in most universities.
Scopus is one of the largest databases of peer-reviewed scientific literature abstracts and articles, including scholarly journals, books, and conferences that are included in this database. Founded in 2004 by Elsevier, it is a global information and analytics company.
This database covers more than 41 thousand scientific publications, both natural and human, of which more than 38 thousand are scientific journals. The list of publications is updated every year. So new publications are constantly added to it. Provided that they meet strict scientific criteria and undergo rigorous selection of experts. Versions that lose compliance with these standards are re-evaluated and deleted. You can check whether the journal is indexed by the Scopus database or select the appropriate journal to publish the article directly from its web page in the "Sources" section. Accordingly, you can use the database to search for articles. Some articles are available for free, while others can be accessed for a fee. Using the database, you can also go to the website of the relevant edition, read the requirements for publications and check the number of citations
The former editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Carbon stated that there are eight main reasons behind refusing to publish scientific articles:
The article did not pass technical review.
They may reject an article according to this criterion if: the article contains elements that raise suspicion of plagiarism or has now been peer-reviewed in another journal. The manuscript of the article is incomplete. It lacks key elements such as the title of the article. The authors and their place of work (affiliation), keywords, body, links, tables and figures.
The article does not comply with the objectives and scope of the scientific interests of the journals.
For example, if the article addresses a journal's field of scientific interest (eg medicine). But focuses on another area (eg medical law), or contains no new data for the field (ie, no scientific novelty).
The article is not a completed study.
Editorial staff may draw this conclusion if the article contains only individual notes but is not a complete study. Or if it addresses the scholarly works of some authors in the field. But other important work is ignored.
Data procedures, methodology and/or analysis are unsatisfactory.
For example, if the study lacks clear control groups or other criteria; The study does not comply with recognized reproducible procedures or methodologies. And the analysis is not statistically reliable or does not meet the standards applicable in the relevant scientific field.
The conclusions cannot be considered valid based on the text of the article.
This conclusion can be drawn if the arguments in the article are illogical, disorganized, or invalid. The results do not support the conclusions, or the results ignore much of the scientific literature of the article.
The article is a secondary appendix (extended version) of another article, usually by the same author.
For example, it is part of another larger study by the author broken into pieces to produce as many articles as possible, or the article's scientific findings are minor additions and do not extend the scientific field of research.
The article is not clear.
That is, the language in which the article is presented, the structure of the article, or the visual materials (images, formulas, calculations, etc.) used are too low to rate the article.
The article is not interesting.
For example, if it is irrelevant, irrelevant or marginal in the field of research; The questions raised in the article are not of scientific interest or the article is uninteresting to magazine readers.
With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students