What are standard proofreading marks - المنارة للاستشارات

What are standard proofreading marks

What are standard proofreading marks
اطلب الخدمة

 What a proofreading process means? 

A process of proofreading is a process on a document or text to be ensure that this document has no type of errors or misspelling. The proofreading process is the final step have done before submit or publish any document. In addition to, the proofreading process is an important step you should make it when you finish from writing any type of documents.

 How importance is proofreading process? 

Any process of writing documents has its own goals and benefits. Proofreading process has many benefits for a written document which are:

  1. When you proofread your document, you can get a high-quality written document
  2. Main goal of proofreading process is to ensure that the written document has no errors in terms of grammar and vocabulary.
  3. Also, making proofreading process for your written document can get an acceptance for your writing.
  4. A good proofreading process give a chance for your audience to better understood of what you write in your document?


 Important marks of proofreading process 

Marks, symbols or signs in a proofreading process is the same. These marks known as symbols that proofreaders used when they edited a written document. Proofreading marks are a series of strange instructions that point where the mistakes are? The importance of using proofreading marks is to highlight punctuation and grammatical errors. Also, the proofreading marks are used to highlight errors in vocabulary and formatting.

Generally, the proofreader puts proofreading marks by a red color and on a hard-copy written document or on a printed-out written document. And also, the proofreader puts the proofreading marks on the left-margin of the first half of the sentence for printed/hard-copy written document. On the right-margin the proofreader puts the proofreading marks of the second half of the sentence for printed/hard-copy written document.

Marks for proofreading can be classified into three groups which are:

  1. Operational proofreading marks
  2. Punctuation proofreading marks
  3. Typography proofreading marks

You will get more details about each of these groups and what proofreading marks does each group include.

 Operational proofreading marks 

  • delete proofreading mark: the delete mark used to delete word, clause or letter that should be deleted. Delete proofreading mark should put over the element to be deleted.
  • let it stand proofreading mark: let it stand mark which abbreviate with the word stet means that you have to ignore the updates and go back to original writing words. This mark used when the proofreader proofread a part of writing many times.
  • transpose proofreading mark: it is a very important mark that used when the writer put the words in a wrong order. So, the transpose mark used to indicate that the words order need to be changed.
  • close up proofreading mark: close up mark used when there is too wide space needed to be closed.
  • insert space proofreading mark
  • delete and close up proofreading mark: it is the same as the delete mark, but this marks usually used for a letter in a word and the delete mark used for the word.
  • space evenly proofreading mark: called equivalize space that means to make space between words or lines equal.
  • begin new paragraph proofreading mark: begin new paragraph mark used when the writer should begin with a new paragraph. For example, in a dialogue you should put each of dialogue sentence in new line to allow the readers follow up and understand the dialogue.  
  • move left proofreading mark: as the mark name indicates that the move left mark used when a text need to be moved left.
  • move right proofreading mark: the move right mark indicates that the text should be moved right.

Notice that the move left and move right marks should be as long as the lines of the text to be moved. 

  • spell in fell proofreading mark: (1 hour should be one hour)
  • Punctuation proofreading marks

  • need to insert period proofreading mark: means to insert period/ full stop in the selected place.
  • means insert parenthesis proofreading mark: this mark tells you to insert parenthesis.
  • means to insert en dash proofreading mark: it is mean the English dash which used between dates. Mark of en dash is narrower than em dash and wider that hyphen.
  • insert em dash proofreading mark: em dash is a high versatile punctation mark which can take place of the parenthesis, commas or colons. You can use a double em dash to draw attention of a text.
  • meaning to insert semicolon proofreading mark: also, as period this mark means to insert semicolon in selected area.
  • to insert comma proofreading mark: insert comma in a selected area.
  • to insert apostrophe proofreading mark: you have to insert apostrophe in selected area.
  • inserting colon proofreading mark: insert colon in the selected area.
  • inserting double quotation mark proofreading mark: to insert double quotation mark in the selected area.
  • need to insert hyphen proofreading mark: insert hyphen in the selected area.

 Typography proofreading marks 

  • setting in italic type proofreading mark: it is a very simple marks which used to tell the writer to change the word/s into italic form.
  • setting in capitals proofreading mark: caps mark used when the writer should have a capital letter or multiple capital letters.  
  • start to set in lowercase proofreading mark: lc mark used when the writer should have a lowercase letter.
  • start to set in bold face proofreading mark: means to set selected word/ words in boldface font type.
  • starting set in roman type proofreading mark: when you this mark, you should put the selected word/ words in Roman font type.
  • insert here or superscript proofreading mark: meaning to insert missing word, punctuation mark or letter where the mark is placed.
  • insert here or subscript proofreading mark: meaning to insert missing word, punctuation mark or letter where the mark is placed.

 What are the proofreading abbreviations? 

Proofreading abbreviations are common abbreviations that used by proofreaders to indicate problems/ issues related to the copy itself. These proofreading abbreviations are:

  • faulty diction proofreading abbreviation:
  • verb tense problem proofreading abbreviation:
  • awkward construction proofreading abbreviation: I can understand this, but it’s not well said.
  • wrong word proofreading abbreviation:This word means something different than you seem to think it means.
  • too wordy proofreading abbreviation:A “gee-whiz” word like “incredible” that comes across poorly in formal writing.
  • run-on sentence proofreading abbreviation
  • unnecessary repetition proofreading abbreviation

 Video: Proofreading Marks 


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