اطلب الخدمة
The proofreading process is a process made in the writing process. In other word, the proofreading process is the last stage in the process of writing text/ document before publish or submit. It is important to make the proofreading process for your writing text/ document to ensure that your writing is free from any type of errors. For example, proofreading process fix the writing from spelling errors, grammar errors, formatting errors, punctuation errors and others more.
- Firstly, proofreading process ensures that your writing text/ document is completely free from any errors.
- Secondly, proofreading process give your writing text/ document a higher chance to earn extra marks.
- Thirdly, by proofreading process your writing text/ document will be more reliable and readable by others.
- Fourthly, by proofreading process your writing text/ document will be presented professionality.
- Fifthly, hiring a professional proofreader to check your writing text/ document will save your time and effort.
The four basic thing that you should to look for while you make a proofreading process are:
Here are some basic proofreading strategies that make your proofreading process more effective:
- First proofreading strategy: leave your writing document for a while for example leave the document overnight. That will give you time to think clearly and you may have a new vision for your writing.
- Second proofreading strategy: to keep you focus on your writing, review each task separately. That’s means to review punctuation marks for example at first then check grammar then check other tasks.
- Third proofreading strategy: read your writing document aloud to ensure that every word in your document sounds right. You can use Microsoft Office word to help you in this stage.
- Fourth proofreading strategy: when working on proofreading and focus in every stage you have to take regular breaks to keep you concentrate.
- Fifth proofreading strategy: put checkmarks on every thing that you are check for example, put a circle over checked punctuation marks.
- Sixth proofreading strategy: to keep yourself focus on a text per time isolate the unchecked texts for example by using a white paper.
- Seventh proofreading strategy: review heading of the writing document separately from the text itself. So, you may find inconstancies and errors in headings.
- Eighth proofreading strategy: review backward one paragraph at a time that’s mean to begin from the end of the writing document. And then review in revise order each paragraph.
- Ninth proofreading strategy: ask another person to read your writing document to check another time if there are any errors or misspelling.
- Tenth proofreading strategy: get help from a handbook or from your instructor if you are not sure about using comma or about what word to use.
- Eleventh proofreading strategy: use the spell-checker on your computer for more checking if there are any errors that you are not notice.
According to make an effective proofreading process for a written text/ document there are some general resources that help you or proofreader. For instance, two of these resources are dictionaries and handbooks. You can keep dictionaries and handbooks close to your hands to ensure of the words formatting and spelling. When you are not sure about something in the writing text/ document, you can look for any of them.
Here are five common mistakes that may you face when proofreading a writing document which are:
Homophones means that there are some words that have the same sound/ tone but have different meaning and spelling. Homophones happens when you type words quickly and these words do not look wrong. Therefore, the spelling and grammar checkers did not find these types of mistakes so you have to find them by yourself. These word pairs are examples of homophones:
break/ brake bear/ bare to/ two/ too new/ knew
Inconsistency happens when something typed in another document but in different way. As a result, you cannot spot these mistakes because these are individually correct. Some inconstancies are like:
Dates – 4 July 2016, July 4 2016, 4th July 2016, July 4th 2016
- Thirdly, apostrophe problems.
Whereas apostrophe used to contraction (meaning missing letters) and possession (meaning belonging to something), but some people are confused to use it. An example of apostrophe problem is:
Sentence 1: your not good >>>> not correct
Sentence 2: you’re not good >>>> correct
Poor syntax means that the words in a sentence may arrange wrong or there are some missing key words in a sentence. Look at this example:
- Poor syntax: After eating my lunch, the waiter seemed keen to talk.
- Better syntax: After I’d eaten my lunch, the waiter seemed keen to talk.
Fifthly, problems of double and missing words.
You may not be able to discover double words or if there are missing words when you write quickly. But if use the spelling and grammar checking in Microsoft Word while you writing, you may get free from these mistakes. However, it is easy to make this mistake, but is not easy to discover them.
With greetings: Al - Manara Consulting to help researchers and graduate students